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Not Quite Write Prize Add-on – Personalised Feedback



Do you find yourself screaming into the void? This optional add-on to your Entry Ticket may be the answer you seek!

Your Personalised Feedback report will include up to two pages of written critique from both Ed and Amanda. We’ll re-read your entry and analyse it against a range of criteria including character development, narrative style, creative flair, and execution. We’re not here to sugar coat things: our goal will be to provide constructive and encouraging critique to further your mastery of the craft.

You can purchase Personalised Feedback as an optional add-on any time before 31 March 2024.

Click here to read a sample critique.


“It was great. Very helpful. Hints that have helped me with constructing my flash fiction. The podcast was also so comprehensive and helpful. Something we contestants very rarely get.” – Jeff (July 2023 Not Quite Write Prize feedback recipient)
“The personalized feedback from the Not Quite Write flash fiction contest was thorough, insightful and gave me a strong direction of the pain points and successes within my piece! I’ve since used the feedback to update my story and transform it into something new.” – Deanna (July 2023 Not Quite Write Prize feedback recipient)
Feedback is subjective so there’s a risk you won’t like what you read/hear. If you’re concerned about this, please refer to our Refund Policy before making your purchase.
“The notes were comprehensive, thorough, and encouraging. I was able to take away key points, and utilise them in some of my more major projects, plus follow up with some further research so I could edit my writing to pieces! I certainly felt the feedback was worth it, and will probably continue to go back to it for some writing tonic whenever I’m on the verge of giving my initial draft to the waste basket!” – Gabriel (July 2023 Not Quite Write Prize feedback recipient)
About the Participant Forum

At Not Quite Write, we highly value collaboration and feedback. That’s why we’ve created the Not Quite Write Participant Forum – a safe space to share work, give and receive feedback, and chat with other authors away from the watchful eye of the competition judges.

In addition to entry to the competition itself, this ticket entitles you to free access to this exclusive creative space.

The Participant Forum is not yet open, but we’ll notify you when it is. Your access to the forum will continue after the competition ends so you’ll be able to compare notes and bask in the glory of your achievements.

More Information

Read our Privacy Policy for more information about how we collect and store your data (TL;DR we only take what we need, we only use it for its intended purpose, and we’ll never share it without your permission).

Changed your mind? Read our Refund Policy

Have questions? Please read the Competition Rules and FAQ before contacting us.

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