In this special bonus episode, Ed and Amanda reveal the 40 members of the July 2024 Not Quite Write Prize for Flash Fiction longlist, featuring the anti-prompt: Break the rule “avoid purple prose.“
First, we kick off with a deep dive into key competition stats. Then stay tuned as we answer listener questions and turn the spotlight on common flash fiction tropes. We’ll shoutout the best takes on the prompts, and some of our favourite titles and lines.
It’s a vertiTABLE smorgasbord of flash fiction goodness!
Learn more about flash fiction tropes here: https://notquitewrite.com/level-up-flash-fiction-tropes/
Enjoy a reading of the longlisted story ‘This is a world with sentient desks’ by Sam James at https://audio.com/samjames/audio/this-is-a-world-with-sentient-desks
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Register for the next Not Quite Write Prize at https://notquitewriteprize.com